DACA Recipients Narratives: Pursuing Noncredit Occupational Training

Doctoral Candidate Name: 
Andrew Gardner
Educational Leadership

ANDREW GARDNER. DACA Recipients Narratives: Pursuing Noncredit Occupational Training. (Under the direction of DR. MARK D’AMICO)
This adapted in-depth qualitative interview study explored and documented the lived experiences of four DACA recipients that pursued noncredit occupational training opportunities at a community college in North Carolina. The purpose was to understand what experiences led DACA recipients to enroll in noncredit occupational education in the community college setting, insight about their educational experiences in higher education, and how they used the education they gained through noncredit occupational education. Participant interviews styled after Seidman (2019) served as the primary means of data collection. Following Seidman (2019) protocols for an adapted in-depth qualitative interview, participants put their life into context, provided detailed accounts of certain critical life experiences, and reconstructed their experience within the framework of the study. Upon completion of all interviews and transcription, a detailed six phase thematic analysis guided by Braun and Clarke (2006) was completed. Though their experiences varied, four major themes were identified during the analysis process. Themes generated spoke to the personal, professional, and social experiences that shaped their journey and aspirations. The findings provided insight about each participant’s desperate path to pursue higher education and how noncredit occupational training provided them a “hidden” opportunity. Family played the greatest role in motivating and supporting participants during their journey. A high level of determination and perseverance was displayed. Participants combated obstacle after obstacle to enroll in postsecondary education and successfully leveraged it to embark on their professional career. Three conclusions were reached: (1) policies influence DACA students; (2) DACA students receive a lack of guidance; (3) DACA students leverage credentials.

Defense Date and Time: 
Thursday, March 25, 2021 - 10:00am
Defense Location: 
https://uncc.zoom.us/j/97672158920 (Virtual)
Committee Chair's Name: 
Dr. Mark D’Amico
Committee Members: 
Dr. Spencer Salas, Dr. Janet Spriggs, Dr. Jimmy Watson